2025 5K In My Shoes – Join us for our 11th Annual 5K In My Shoes on 6/7/2025 at 8:30 AM, check-in starts at 7:30 AM at Envision. The start and finish line will be at Envision and participants can walk/run/roll on the course through the streets in the neighborhood with a 1K and 5K option. In addition to the race, the event will include informational booths, music, and light breakfast food. Sponsors will be recognized with signage along the course, check out our Sponsorship Packet for more great details. Participants can also choose to support the event with a 5K in My Slippers, or a 5K where you live, without coming to the event.
The H’Art of Envision Art Show is a unique and expressive collection created by the talented artists supported through Envision’s Art Program. This event highlights paintings, ceramics and other types of media created by adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
Envision’s Art Program provides classes that are intended to build on the natural creative skills of people to increase their social and emotional skills, improve dexterity, enhance ability to focus, and improve self-esteem. The goal of the program is not to teach painting, drawing or sculpting in a traditional manner, but to provide the materials, support and encouragement to develop natural talents.
The H’Art of Envision displays the resulting artwork in a formal gallery setting including an Opening Reception held during downtown Greeley’s First Friday Art Walk in October. This event exposes artists with disabilities who are often underestimated, historically devalued and would not otherwise be featured in a professional art studio or gallery. The artwork inspires many and often attendees are surprised at the quality of the art, which changes the perceptions of individuals with IDD within the community.
In addition to the H’Art of Envision Show, artwork is sold year-round through our Online Art Store. To learn more about this event please contact us Celeste Ewert, Executive Director at 970-313-2603.